About Nunah
Meet Sahithya
Founder & Chief Formulator
Nunah's Story
From Pop-up Stalls to becoming an Online Store
The journey of venturing into an online store was exciting. Sahithya has been intrigued by the organic space, experimenting with and developing small batches of skincare from the confines of her kitchen. Nunah was born from this desire to create effective skincare thatβs ethically innovative, accessible and affordable.

Get to Know the Original Nerd !
The journey to a beautiful complexion begins with Nunah, as we believe in creating products that are better and different than others.
How did you over come the challenges of establishing our dream company “nunah”?
When we started out, the business was just a few people working hard to make their dream a reality. Now there are so many more aspects of our company that need managing and taking care off- not only in terms on what needs doing but also how it all gets done!
What to expect from Nunah in future ?
Nunah can't wait to help people figure out their skin care routine and find the best products for them. We want to find the products that will leave you with soft, clear skin and a radiant glow naturally.
What are some common myths about skin and hair?
Have you heard the old wives' tale that claims raw honey will cause your hair to grey sooner? In actuality, this is simply not true. The hydrating properties of pure unseasoned golden liquid make it an excellent remedy for dry and brittle locks!
Who are the people that will buy from you?
We know that the way people think about their consumption has changed. They are aware of how natural and sustainable products can better serve them, as well as protecting our planet for future generations. This is why we need to reach out with information on where everything goes in behind-the scenes at your favorite brands!
Being a Women entrepreneur, give some motivational message to those looking forward to succeed in life.
You can be anything you want, as long as itβs within your reach. Don't let anyone tell you that what they think is impossible because in this day and age there are so many ways for people who dream big to make their dreams come true! Start Small ! Dream Big !
Best supporter and motivator who stood by you behind Nunah?
When I think about how this all came together, it's really my family who should take most of the credit. They're always by side and have been helping build everything from scratch!
What Product do You recommend people who don’t know about Nunah and why ?
Get your lips nice and smooth with one of our signature Lip Balms. We have flavors like Strawberry , Peppermint or Grapefruit that will make you want to lick them!
Can you give a beauty tip to the young women to have a glowing skin?
Sleep early and get a good nightβs rest so tomorrow is an awesome day for all π
What made you to start Nunah ?
What made me to start nunah : Exactly 1.5year ago I resigned from my role at IBM. As much as i loved my time there, my decision came down to this: I was way too deep into my comfort zone. Life was just tooΒ easy. MyΒ role was no longer challenging me either & I realised my salary is a drug they give me to forget my dreams. I figured I needed a change in scenery and some time off to shake things up a bit. So I did what I thought was right. I quit. I said i was done. My heart was itching to finally try and start something of my own. Something meaningful, impactful. I wanted to build things and test out myΒ ideas. ToΒ learn ! And even fail ( if I absolutely must) in the process of doing so. I just wanted to start, and stop talking about starting one day. And I knew that if there's any right time to experiment in life, it's now, in the early years of my twenties. I always had a great interest towards natural skincare . After facing so much failures in R&D , I started nunah . Even now I do face it before coming up with an successful formulations. After starting nunah I realised personally that working hard for something we don't care is called stress ,But working hard for something we love is called Passion. The work is never the problem. But what you're working for is!! Now Iam willing to work 16 hrs a day on my own project at nunah rather than working for 8 hrs for someone else's.
What made you kick start a career in skin care products?
I was just about to purchase few organic products, when i noticed something that suprised me I looked at the back of the pack and noticed that most of the ingredients were refined versions of Raw materials found in the manufacturing of petroleum products. I handed the product back to the sales person and all i could think of irony of the situation. The front of the label was promising 'Natural and Organic', while the label behind was whispering Parabens, Mineral Oils, Synthetic colours and more. From that movement onwards, I realised that no one had questioned what organic really means. And even though every second brand claimed to be organic, no one really was. I asked myself many tough questions from that day on. I questioned organic ingredients, their sourcing, organic product formulation and efficacy, However, the most important questions i asked was - Why want we do things differently ? This is how it started.
In India, there are many different skin types. How does Nunah succeeds by trying to find a product for everyone’s needs ?
As we all know, skin varies from person to person. It is important to understand your own skin type and the climate in which you live so that a proper regime can be formulated for it- this will help with any concerns or worries about how an ingredient might effect your particular complexion! Nunah takes strict measures before adding anything new into our formulation process by testing each individual ingredient on human trials first just as some companies do during safety assessments; additionally making sure there are no known allergies among various cultures who may use them (Indian climatic conditions come immediately to mind).
What would you like to tell your Future Prospects ?
Dear beloved customers, Thank you for your time and interest in our products. We're happy to know that we can help with your skin care needs! We want to assure you that we will never use any toxic ingredients and our goal is always to provide the safest and most effective options available. When it comes down to making a decision on which products are best suited for you, please feel free to reach out and speak with one of our experts who can let you know what might work best for your skin type and goals. Sincerely, Sahithya
Melding Modern Alchemy & Romance
The process of creating my blends is both modern and romantic. I take pride in the fact that each ingredient has been carefully selected with your skin's well-being at heart, giving you a product as close to nature as possible without actually being natural!

We can take care of our planet.
Nuah's formulas are mostly vegan and organic, with the option to select recyclable packaging. I like taking my time when creating Nunahβs blends: each ingredient is methodically extracted for its healing properties before being secured in your skin through chemistry melding modern advances together - romance at it finest!